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 Alyss's Test

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Alyss's Test Empty
PostSubject: Alyss's Test   Alyss's Test EmptyTue Jan 10, 2017 8:27 pm

NOTE: This is the placement test for Kay, Alyss L. 

House Placement Test


1) In what way would you describe yourself?
c - Free-spirit

2) Which career most appeals to you?
c - Artist

3) Which of these is most important?
c - Enjoyment, happiness, freedom

4) What color appeals to you most? 
b - Red

5) Would you consider yourself impulsive?
b - Yes, very

6) Do you have an ordered routine on most days?
c - Never

7) With which would you be happier with?
b - My love

8) On average, what is your favorite genre of entertainment?
c - Satire

9) Which magical element are you more drawn to?
b - Fire

10) Which sounds most like your life's goals?
c - To live happily, for myself

11) How quick are you to forgive?
c - When I feel the time is right

12) Which trait are you drawn to in a person?
d - Someone who is easy to talk to

13) In what area would your gift(s) most closely correlate?
d - Mental *gifts that require mental discipline -- gifts that may be uncontrollable unless properly tamed (ie telekinesis)*

14) Would you consider yourself a . . .
a - Both, but more level-headed

15) How do you react to strangers?
c - It depends on how I feel

16) What do you pride yourself in?
b - My talents

17) Can you make deadlines?
d - If they're required

18) What would you prefer in a leader?
c - Someone with similar views to me

19) Do you tend to . . . (Below, both answers were roughly filled in, whited out, and filled in again, as though the applicant could not decide)
c - Live in the moment
d -  Get lost in thought

20) Where would you prefer to go?
c - Cafe

End of test.

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Alyss's Test Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alyss's Test   Alyss's Test EmptyMon Feb 27, 2017 6:23 pm

Alyss's Test AutumnTitle-1

Alyss has been sorted into the Autumn House. Your Head of House is Professor Wright.

You are in Dorm 413.
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