6'1" - Dublin Chris Andrews
6'0" - Richard Lee Sanford, Jason Rhoden Wright
5'11" - Sebastian Richard Corman, Regina Morose Froster, Cain Kyreyin Johnathan
5'10" - Keirsta Zynn Chree, Callum S. Quinn
5'9" - Amaya Nakamura
5'8" - Preston Daniel Andrews, Jacob Brett Crowe, Ethan Matthew Riley, Destiny Renee Willams, Nyracheia Alaya Yrskov
5'7" - Dante Lynn Ryfe, Noah Bethany Smith, Emelia Grace Summerton, Grant Damaskus Trojemo
5'6" - Eloise Jean Arcos, Verona Lee Andrews, Penny Michelle Carson, Rhett Joseph Gordon, Xander Jacobi Katsaros, Xavier Killian Katsaros, Morgan Bernice Laiten, Lindsey Fae Waycross
5'5" - Lachesis Hex Fluorite, Kimply Marice Huffman, Charlotte Redwaltz
5'4" - Cherry Valentine Fowler, Valerie Holly Fowler, Brailynn Crystal Moore, Jordan Blake Shaw, Mark Allan Stryder, Riley Utkin, Evelyn May White, Cyth Dana Wright
5'3" - Ashleigh Taylor Cobb, Kayla Maple Croft, Epona Nirvana Dasos, Siblya Chantell Dythille, Colette Marie Jacques, Jessica Mize Ruzard
5'2" - Hosa Ramsay Corvina, Cameron Finn Howler, Kurumi Hecate Miku, Amy Rose Nakamura, Lamia Takanashi Tempo, Jayden Dean Wright
5'1" - Alicia Sara Vasquez, Samuel John Wright
5'0" - Noa Ellen Latterlyn, Brant Adish Uri
4'11" - Aethra Vocet Egamirei
4'10" - Amber Brook Howler
4'9" -
4'8" -
4'7" -
4'6" - Logan Wyatt Benniton, Roxie Peace Dawndrell, Netro Peter Mirage
Here's what I have to say.
1 - Badge, make your characters taller. I'm serious, the three shortest belong to you. 4'6"? Really? You make me cry.
2 - I myself am around 5'5" at 12. I'm serious, I'd be taller than half the students. Literally. (Below 5'5" - 29, At 5'5" and up - 29. Count for yourself.)
3 - Dublin, I think you should have more friends.
4 - I'm turning into Sleepy. I have way too much time.
5 - Random Fact: I accidentally deleted this exact topic in the making. I had to do this twice.