I have an rp idea. Well like a site idea maybe. I have had this idea for a long long time maybe a good many years.
Basically the idea is there is this place, this place is a correctional facility. Where kids between the ages of 10 to 20 (Might change max age) are sent to if they have extreme issues. Like one girl would have extreme insecurity so she would wear a full makes and like baggy clothing to not show of her body. Or would one person would have extreme paranoia like russia is going to bomb the us any second and everyone is a spy. Just varying things that are taken to the extreme.
This place isn't bad but it isn't good either. Like the people who are sent there see this place as something terrible (Could be, spoilers if this thing is ever made) but people who send the people there see it as a good place.
Basically people could try to escape (Highly unlikely) or they could spend the great amount of time fixing their issue, and leave the place. Plus some other things along the way.
This is just a general idea, I just wanna see if anyone would be interested.