Posts : 1 Beata Bucks : 8133 Join date : 2017-06-13 Age : 25
Subject: Diana E. Klinger Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:20 pm
General Information File
Name: Diana Emma Klinger
D.O.B.: 6/7/2021
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Natural hair color: Black
Eye color:Red
Mailing Address: 384 Drying Road
Telephone Number: 116-1452
Social Security No.: 334-81-5420
Family Average Yearly Income: 53k
Mother's Name: Glenda
Father's Name: Samson
Siblings Attending the School: None
Brief Description of Gifts: Darkness Generation. The gift to summon a special darkness in a non-occupied area. The unique properties of this darkness is no normal light souse will generate light in it and gifts that generate light souses will be greatly dulled or negated. Normal sensors will be jammed and sensing abilities become dulled or outright negated all together. The weakness of this ability is that it can be countered by a strong light ability, strong sensing powers and it doesn't actually prevent you from physically harming the gifted.