Mailing Address: 21 EL Obour Buildings, Salah Salem-Heliopollis Cairo, Egypt
Telephone Number: 20-2-754-2300
Social Security No.: 648-12-4741
Family Average Yearly Income: $11,360 US
Mother's Name: Alia Naifeh
Father's Name: Madu Naifeh
Siblings Attending the School: None
Brief Description of Gifts: Phoenix Physiology - Her Phoenix State is a bird made of fire that encircles her body; the feathers are essentially made of flame. She doesn't normal go into full Phoenix State because it takes a lot of energy from her and generally causes her to pass out afterwards. In her Phoenix State she can fly. Without going into her full Phoenix State, she can turn her arms into wings, which only lets her use the fire but she cannot fly. Her tears have healing properties. Unlike the mythological phoenix, she has no regenerative abilities.