The Nominations are in!
Time to vote for your winter overlords royal couples!
In no particular order...
King Nominees
Richard Sanford
Jason Wright
Jacob Crowe
Queen Nominees
Penny Carson
Verona Andrews
Brailynn Moore
Prince Nominees
Jayden Wright
Katsuo Haruki
Montare Lupo
Princess Nominees
Lamia Tempo
Evelyn White
Noa Latterlyn
Voting will once again be done through PMs to Ebs / Jace, one vote per character.
Winners will be announced at the dance.
Title PM "Winter Formal Votes" please!
Character Name:
King Nomination:
Queen Nomination:
Prince Nomination:
Princess Nomination:
Good Luck, Guys!
and may the odds be ever in your favor.
yes, you can vote for yourselves.
yes, if your charries don't know many of the above, you can randomly pick people.
Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:14 pm by Lilac