Mission: Defeat the Entities
Venue: Seattle, Washington
Reward: $250 per person
Strange, black hazy entities have been sighted, most appearing to posses claws and few even weapons such as swords appearing to be part of them.
The entities have been reported to attack people on streets at night, and are blamed for people whom have gone recently. Due to fear of the entities beginning to group up and attack in day instead of being alone and passive, and because of what they have already been credited to doing, are requested to be eliminated.
Description of entities: Pitch black in broad daylight when seen, hazy balls with no apparent faces, with legs ending in clawed feet and arms with clawed hands, standing at approximately three to four feet in height. Some appear to wield weaponry in their hands, and according to what was seen when one was disarmed by a group who attacked a lone one in broad daylight, the weapon disappeared when out of the entities hands.
Weaknesses/Strengths: All conventional means of attack seem effective, with no distinct weaknesses other than bright light weakening them, the entities being stronger in the dark.
Signed-Up Students:
Montare Lupo
Samuel Wright
Nyracheia Yrskov
Ahbwen Lazuri
Cythrakeus Wright