A list of available weapons for students.
Please pay attention to the type of character you have: a five foot girl should not be using a warhammer, and you shouldn't have a bow just because you want to be Katniss.
You may have multiple weapons depending on the style of fighting, but you can't have a claymore and a longbow. A shield+sword combo is acceptable, as is a bow+dirk.
Beata Academy supplies these weapons to help further hone your powers, and it is their philosophy that modern weapons such as guns are counter-intuitive to this purpose. Thus, all weapons are technologically obsolete.
Variants: baselard, bilbo, bolo, cinquedea, khanjali, colichemarde, gladius, misericorde, small sword, Swiss dagger, xiphos, aikuchi, kodachi, pinuti, shikomizue, wakizashi, backsword, cutlass, dao, dha, dussack, falchion, hunting sword, kampilan, karabela, khopesh, kilij, klewang, krabi, kukri, liuyedao, mameluke, messer, nimcha, piando, pulwar, sabre, schweizersabel, scimitar, shamshir, shashka, szabla, talwar, yanmaodao, arming sword, basket-hilted sword, chukoto, epee, espada ropera, estoc, flamberge, flyssa, hwandudaedo, ida, jian, kaskara, katzbalger, khanda, longsword, ninjato, rapier, saingeom, seax, side-sword, spadroon, spatha, takoba, tsurugi, dotanuki, falx, katana, mian dao, nandao, nihonto, panabas, tachi, uchigatana, changdao, claymore, dadao, executioner sword, flame-bladed sword, great sword, katana, long sword, nagamaki, nodachi, otachi, wodao, zanboto, zhanmadao, zweihander, aruval, bolo, falcata, golok, harpe, kopis, machete, makhaira, one-handed Dacian falx, yatagan, hook sword, shotel.
Variants: arit, karambit, kujang, punyal, sickle, chakram, shuriken, kunai, throwing knives, thrown darts, Swiss arrow.
Variants: chicken sickles, crowbill, elephant goad, hakapik, horseman's pick, kama, mattock, pickaxe, war hammer, adze, bardiche, battle axe, broadaxe, Dane axe, doloire, hand axe, hatchet, labrys, long-bearded axe, masakari, nzappa zap, ono, palstave, sagaris, shepherd's axe, sparth axe, tabarzin, tomahawk, francisca, hunga munga, hurlbat, nzappa zap, tomahawk.
Variants: aklys, cambuk, chui, cudgel, returning boomerang, clubbing boomerang, eskrima sticks, frying pan, hammer, hanbo, horseman's pick, jutte, kanabo, knobkierrie, kurunthadi, kotiate, la canne, macana, mace, macuahuitl, mere, morning star, otsuchi, patu, plancon a picot, rock, roundhead, rungu, sai, shillelagh, short scepter, sledge hammer, tambo, tekkan, tewhatewha, tonfa, waddy, war hammer, wrench, yawara, yubi-bo.
Variants: baton francais, bo, eku, gun, jo, lathi, naboot, quarterstaff, shareeravadi, taiaha, boomerang, knobkierrie, rungu.
Variants: ahlspiess, atgeir, boar spear, brandistock, dangpa-chang, dory, hasta, hoko yari, jukjangchangbo, lance, menaulion, military fork, pike, pitchfork, qiang, ranseur, sarissa, sibat, spetum, swordstaff, trident, trishula, yari, angon, assegai, atlatl, falarica, harpoon, javelin, jangchang, lancea, pilum, soliferrum, spiculum, verutum, woomera.
Variants: arbir, bardiche, bec de corbin, bill, bisento, chacing staff, dagger axe, Danish axe, fauchard, gandasa, glaive, guan dao, guisarme, halberd, ji, lochaber axe, long-handed nagamaki, man catcher, monk's spade, naginata, ngaw, nulbjakchang, ox tongue spear, partisan, pollaxe, pudao, rhomphaia, sasumata, scythe, sodegaramari, tepoztopilli, tsukobo, two-handed Dacian falx, voulge, war scythe, bec de corbin, lucerne hammer.
Variants: decurve bow, deflex bow, English longbow, flatbow, self bow, daikyu, cable-backed bow, composite bow, Hungarian bow, Perso-Parthian bow, gungdo, hankyu, Mongol bow, Turkish bow, crossbow, arbalest, gastraphetes, pistol crossbow, repeating crossbow, skane lockbow.
Variants: aspis, buckler, heater shield, hoplon, Hungarian shield, kite shield, scuta, targe.
Variants: blowgun, bolas, fukiya, kestros, sling, stave sling, slingshot, bagh nakh, brass knuckles, deer horn knives, gauntlets, katar, Korean fan, madu, pata, push dagger, Roman scissor, tekko, tessen, wind and fire wheels, emei daggers, bullwhip, cat o' nine tails, chain whip, knout, lasso, nagyka, sjambok, smallwhips, stockwhip, urumi, nunchaku, samjigun, tabak-toyuk, two-section staff, three-section staff, chigriki, flail, flying claws, kusari-gama, kyuketsu-shoge, kusari-fundo, meteor hammer, rope dart, slungshot, surujin.