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 A Cliché Intro Topic

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PostSubject: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 1:10 pm

"This place is huge..."
The words were muttered to herself under her breath, standing in the middle of the entrance, looking at the building before her with unseen, wide-eyes, hiding behind her sunglasses. She had heard many stories about this place before, yes, but she had never actually seen it for herself. At first glance, the young woman might have appeared rather nervous, clutching the strap of her bag tightly and staring at the school; that is, until you saw the unmistakable grin on her face. She took a deep breath and suddenly loosened up, sliding her shades off and quickly hanging them on the collar of her shirt. She twisted around, her bright, hazel eye peering out from under her tilted hat - looking for somebody, anybody who might help her out and tell her where to go - or maybe give the grand tour? You would seriously think they'd have a giant arrow or a pamphlet or something instead of leaving the new kids lost like this.
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Admiral of the SS Sexbang

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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 1:35 pm

Suddenly, a girl sauntered by, a camera in her hand. She was looking for people to take pictures of for the yearbook, and possibly to interview. Unable to find anybody willing, she and her ghost friend were desperate, not wanting to return to the newspaper committee room and Wren empty handed.
Suddenly, she turned her head, just to look at the sky, and saw her. A girl she had never seen before! Lotte rushed to her, practically skipping as she approached the new person. "Hello! I'm Lotte!" she said sweetly, crossing her hands behind her back and rocking on her heels. "You must be new here. We can give you a tour if you'd like."
Ethel stood behind Lotte, and waved, though she was not able to be seen. The ghost was a tad taller than Lotte, and only her eyes loomed over Lotte's head.
Meanwhile, Lotte was scheming to ask questions and jot down answers while on this tour, to try to get a page devoted to what new students think about or encounter on their first day of Beata. She could see it now! Famous writer and photographer Charlotte Redwaltz and her new story! Lost in thought, she almost missed the new girl's answer.
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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 2:21 pm

A tall girl for her age stepped in the gates, her ice-blue eyes gave off a cold gaze, so she slipped on some sunglasses. She looked over and noticed two people talking, well, one. With her long black hair in a neat braid, she decided, Why not... Better to get friends then enemies. The academy was huge! Her eyes traveling one place to another... Wow... She just couldn't wait to get started!

The 13-year old tried to mask her presence by being quiet, yet she was sure that it would be easy for her to be spotted. Where to start... Well, those two are busy... So, I think I'll just get a look at the campus.

Would be longer, yet I am busy.
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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 2:25 pm

The new student had to quickly spin on her heel to see the rapidly approaching press, barely having enough time to straight herself out before introductions were thrown at her. She didn't answer at once, simply looking at this stranger for a few moments - noticing the camera in her hands. Good thing she wasn't picture shy. "Brailynn." She gave back, yet she doubted the girl even heard her. Lynn raised an eyebrow, though, glancing around for anyone else. "Sure, but - wait... we?" She whipped her head back around - seeing another student by the front gates, but she didn't think that's who this Lotte-person meant.
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Admiral of the SS Sexbang

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A Cliché Intro Topic Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 2:31 pm

"Ah, yes. My power is complicated, but I have a ghost friend. Her name is Ethel." Lotte said, motioning to where she was standing. Ethel beamed, her hands crossed over her lower back as well. Lotte whipped out a notepad, and withdrew a pencil from a little slot at the side of the pad. "Can I take some questions, please? I am with the school newspaper, and I want to write about the first impressions of students." explained the girl, letting her camera rest on her breast, hanging from her neck on a Velcro strap. She'd probably switch between that and the notepad a lot throughout the tour. The girl looked excited and warm, and didn't realize how much she was rushing Brailynn.
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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 2:38 pm

Luna caught onto the girls' names. So one is named Lotte, Ethel... and then there is Brailynn? Cool names. she though. Glancing at them again, she noticed someone looking at her. Pressing her notebook closer to her chest, she took off her sunglasses. Still keeping her quiet notion, she walked over to the... three? Well, that didn't really explain why there were three... She had only caught onto who 'Lotte' said their names, and Brailynn.

Keeping a tight grip on her notebook, she forced out a smile. She was still quite ways away from the three, but close enough to be noticed, and hear clearly on what they were saying.
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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 2:56 pm

Five minutes in and she was already getting interviews? Score! Well, it was only because she was the new girl who happened to be standing there at the time - but hush, and don't tell her that, she didn't want to hear it~. "You can see ghosts?" Her gaze flickered around, as if to try to find this 'Ethel' with an expression that can only be described as "not bad".
Brailynn didn't at all mind Lotte's energy, though it'd take her a moment, she could keep up. "Ask away." She smiled. Honestly, she had a few questions of her own she would be sure to throw out later.
She noticed the black-haired girl out of the corner of her eye, giving her a quick nod of greeting.
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Admiral of the SS Sexbang

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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 3:27 pm

The girl shook her head. "No. So far just one." she said with a smile, writing a heading at the top of the notepad in sloppy, rushed cursive. Time to ask questions...
"Alright. What is your last name?" asked Lotte, writing down her first on the pad. "Age? I need to get some profiling down so that people who read know a little about the person being interviewed."
The girl seemed alright with the interview, which surprised Lotte. She put the eraser of her pencil in her mouth, waiting to jot down what Brailynn said. She wasn't the fastest writer, and hopefully wouldn't hold up the girl too much as she jotted her answer down. She didn't want to irritate the interviewee.
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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 3:42 pm

Luna watched Lotte, her eyes curious. Hmm... She's so focused... Looking between the two, out of nowhere, she sneezed. Really? she hissed at herself. She took a step back, not sure if she wanted to interfere with what was apparently an interview. Taking a few steps forward, Luna glanced down at her boots for a moment, then decided to say hello. But after the questions were finished.

Slipping her notebook into her bag, she watched them, bracing herself for one, just in case.
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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 5:03 pm

Contently, and honestly loving the attention, she folded her arms behind her back and stood up a little straighter. Although - she really couldn't help herself - she did lean over and peer at Lotte's clip board. While she wouldn't say anything about it, the interviewer's sloppy handwriting did irk her a tad. That was just Lynn, though, liking everything to be neat and organized - good thing this newspaper wasn't really her business. "My last name is Moore." She answered with little problem, "And I'm fifteen - wait, so the whole school'll read this?" She paused again, looking at the girl who sneezed.
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Admiral of the SS Sexbang

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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 5:10 pm

Lotte payed no heed to the other girl. When she was focused on something, she never would let it go. She swiftly wrote the information she had just received down, and then lifted her head, ready to ask the next question. "What are your first impressions of the campus from what you see here?" asked Lotte, writing the word 'Impressions?' down on an empty line to prepare to jot down Brailynn's answer. Ethel was peering over Lotte's shoulder, making sure she was writing out everything. She was Lotte's spell check and grammatical error catcher, making sure Lotte didn't write anything that may confuse her later in the process of transferring the information to the computer.
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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 5:47 pm

Luna took a step back. A waft of shyness casting the girl. Once she was used to Beata Academy, she'd be an open freak. "Um... Don't mind me..." She said... "If I'm bugging you... let me know and I'll go away..." She added on. The girl was curious, and she seemed more mature than most 13-year old girls. Well, she did have the smarts of one. But enough out of her. She would hate to be bugging them.
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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 8:21 pm

Brailynn smirked, laughing silently at herself and staring down at the ground for a moment, "Holy hell, this place is huge -" She started, taking another second to glance around. "A lot bigger than my old school. So old-fashioned... and... a lot... Different? I don't know..." She couldn't help but compare it to her former school - by far it was rather packed and extremely preppy, this place had a sort of - unique openness, maybe? Eh, she couldn't put a finger on it. Once again, her gaze flickered over to the girl aside them. She simply shrugged, not really caring for or minding her presence. She had found her guide, so either way, she was happy.
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Admiral of the SS Sexbang

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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 8:26 pm

"Ah, yesss." murmured Lotte, writing down the words at supersonic speed. She then put the pencil's eraser to her mouth once more, going through questions in your head. "Tell me how you felt when you were accepted into Beata. What happened when you opened that envelope?" she said. She knew the school accepted all powers, though you had to be as detailed as you could. People could be pranking, and Lotte didn't care for these people herself. Anyhow, the school was academically impressive and you had to be smart to keep up, so Lotte wanted to know if people really got excited when they were accepted.
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PostSubject: Re: A Cliché Intro Topic   A Cliché Intro Topic EmptySun Mar 24, 2013 8:36 pm

"Oh - well..." Brailynn frowned and uncrossed her arms, folding them again in the front this time, looking very deep in thought. If she wanted a completely honest answer... When she had opened the envelope and read it, Brailynn had laughed. And squealed. And jumped for joy. And then jumped into her father's arms - near knocked him over. Flipped out a bit more. Gave her mother a bit of a more controlled hug. Near started crying. Ran up and down the stairs a few times out of pure energy. Then she couldn't sleep that night.
... But like hell she would tell Lotte all of that.
"Excited. And happy... for sure." The miss put on a calm, reassuring smile. She hadn't been sure that she would get in - even with her parent's help. It wasn't the grades that were a problem (she was smart and pulled a lazy average), it was just... an issue she was facing... But she made it! She was here!
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