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 The Last Day [CLOSED]

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Queen of Lolis

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 12:49 pm

Why did she agree to this?

Because you're a push over. No point denying that at all. Lamia's eyed flitted from the mirror to the clothes folded neatly on the sink counter, debating whether she should really go through with this. Already, she wanted to just leave and tell Magic that he could head over there without her and she'd just wait for them in the room. But that'd be selfish... really selfish. Goddammit. Her lips thinned, and tossing her current outfit to the side in a jumbled up pile, the swimsuit was hastily put on. Get it over with before you change your mind. Yeah... of course. As if she was going to make a different decision completely on her own.

Tying the strap behind her neck carefully, her gaze drifted to the clock on her right shoulder. Shit. She forgot about that. It constantly kept ticking and counting down like a bomb set to explode, the numbers changing every moment with each passing second. Worst off, this happened to be a two-piece... bikini. God, what was she thinking when she packed her stuff? It had a dark blue plaid top, lined with almost white frills at the top and a straight line at the bottom with an equally as light ribbon in the middle; the lower half of the outfit had two layers of really pale blue frails with a plaid pattern waistband, a dark ribbon her left, flowing it and fading to a light blue. Was it weird to feel embarassed? Nervous? Self-conscious?

A feeling of dread washed over her, lurching something in her stomach. Taking a deep breath, she quickly started to slip on a slightly small shoulder-length hoodie with frills at the bottom, until she heard a crash! Did something happen? As soon as it was on properly, Lamia opened the door, only to see Magic outside. Never mind.... just a stupid overreaction on her part. Turning her head away bashfully, some fingers slipped towards one end of the lower ribbon, fidgeting with them.

Her face was red, and she could feel the familiar blanket of anxiety wash over. Slowly, the words left her, "U-uhm... d-d-does it... l-look alright...?" She took a few steps to the side once she realized she was blocking the entrance, and her eyes went anywhere but at the other Winter.

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Flower King

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 2:08 pm

Magic looked up from his stuff, and looked at Lamia. He opened his mouth to say something but it was interrupted by a coughing fit. He was probably going to have those for the next while after smoking this morning.. After he was done coughing he looked at the girl once again. Truth be told she looked cute, but he wasn't going to say that exactly. "You look very nice." He said to her. He gave her a smile.

Mason picked up his own swimsuit from his stuff, and headed to the the bathroom. It didn't take him long to get changed, but while you expected most guys to be shirtless in swimsuits, he wasn't. He slipped on a plain black shirt on, while his swim trunks were divided into two different colors. It was a dark green up top and a dark green on the bottom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror for a second noticing the dark circles that had developed under his eyes slightly over time. He shook his head deciding to ignore them for now. The boy walked out of the bathroom. "They should be here soon."
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Queen of Lolis

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 4:43 pm

Nice? That's too kind, too complimentary, too praising. Kearn always told her that she could find the truth when she looked people in the eyes. Forcing herself to lock her gaze into his, Lamia only saw him coughing. Her hand reached out towards him, but before they made contact, she hesitated and he walked away before she could say anything. Was she stupid? So caught up on herself? Her lips thinned, and she went to go sit on the bed. Rolling her sleeves up to glance at the clock, she couldn't help but keep checking because they would ask about it later.

What would they think? Would they figure out her power from just that? No was her initial thought. A clock could mean anything. Would Magic be able to put two and two together? From her last name? From the heirloom? From just... anything? Lamia really didn't want to know. The only likely explanation and most common one would be chronokinesis. Nobody really bothered with figuring out what time theft of all these were. Once she heard the door open, she hastily pulled the fabric down to cover it, and looked up nodding.

"I-I d-d-don't m-mind... w-waiting."
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Flower King

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 7:16 pm

Magic nodded and walked back over to his bed and flopped down. He didn't even bother to place his phone back onto the beside table instead he just placed it beside his pillow. He just wanted to be lazy and rest there for a while but he knew that wouldn't happen.

-Small time skip cause reasons-

Vince had already shown up to the hotel room, and the three were patiently waiting on Laine to get there. It was currently 8:17am. Magic was still on his bed while Vince sat on the couch dressed in a swim suit already. Basically wearing the same as Magic except it was an old band t-shirt, and the swim trunks were a solid purple. They all sat around in silence until Magic heard his phone buzz against the softness of the bed. Magic reached up and grabbed it causing a thud to break the silence. He looked at it, then sat up. "Time to go guys. Laine is waiting downstairs." He said to the two others in the room before getting up to grab his stuff.
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Queen of Lolis

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 7:43 pm

Before Vince had come in, all she had been doing was reading to pass the time. Books were the only thing that seemed to allow time to fly by like a bird soaring through the skies, bursting clouds open as it sliced through. The breeze blew into the room from the monotonous window, and she couldn't stop glancing back at Magic every now and then to try and talk, but he didn't seem like he wanted to be bothered. He had wound up getting less sleep because of her after all. A small frown crept up her face and she covered up with her book, trying to hide her awkward shyness. Was she trying too hard to act normal?

Once the younger brother had entered, Lamia could feel the tension leave her, washing away as though it were a waterfall thrusting everything down with it. As they waited for Laine, she couldn't help but keep thinking and wandering around with her thoughts. She couldn't focus on her book. What was the point in trying to escape to a different reality when you couldn't concentrate on the story? Stupid... she shouldn't be anxious. And if she was? It was chalked down to her 'gift', her power. They weren't finding out about it.

What are you going to tell them when they ask?


She didn't have to answer her own question when Magic had announced they were leaving. Without hesitating, Lamia grabbed her bags and followed the two out of the room, glancing around to make sure they didn't forget anything. Looks like they didn't. It felt strange to be officially leaving the place. Sure... it's been only three days, but it was starting to feel almost natural. Comfortable. A part of their daily life. Did she adjust too quickly? Probably, she thought silently. As soon as they had entered the main lounge and hopped onto the car, she couldn't help but give one last fleeting glance towards the hotel.
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Flower King

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 8:39 pm

Once they had finally gotten in the car, Vince had sat up front with Laine, while Magic and Lamia sat in the back. Magic happily greeted his friend while Vincent greeted him with a typical greeting. You could tell the younger sibling, and the friend didn't like each other too much. Every time they interacted, it was like both of them decided to be civil about it, and get along, even though anyone could tell the two didn't really care for each other.

After making sure everything, and everyone was settled, Laine decided to leave. The car ride was basically quiet the whole time, except for the music Laine had playing in the background. It was like kept switching between various types of music, but it wasn't to loud to keep anyone awake. 15 minutes had passed, and Magic was already knocked out. The boys head was leaning back against the seat, and his mouth was slightly open, but his eyes were closed. The only thing that showed his was asleep was the steady rise, and fall of his chest. Though one loud noise and the boy would surely wake up.
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Queen of Lolis

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 9:00 pm

The first thing she noticed was how Laine and Vince didn't typically seem to like each other. From the way they talked to one another to the way they had moved was a screaming neon sign that they personally didn't enjoy one another's company. As the last one to get into the car after helping Laine with putting everything in properly, Lamia had gave him a weak smile and wave before joining Magic in the back. She didn't bother to mention that she didn't necessarily enjoy sitting back there, simply in the case of motion sickness, but that would probably be nothing to worry about. Besides, Vince looked happy enough in the front. Why make him less satisfied?

Her eyes had watched the scenery for awhile, the cloudy skies peeking and allowing the sun to shine, glazed over by a blue, high and clear. Buildings upon buildings flashed by them, and for awhile, she managed to distinguish them from one another. However, after awhile, the details blurred together, smeared all at once, and everything was a shadow, blackened by complete darkness. Her shoulder was against his, hands rested on her thighs as her head tilted on Magic's, using it as a support as it lay there almost lifeless. There was crimson dusted across her cheeks as a peaceful calm fell over, her eyes partially obscured by her bangs. She let out small, shallow breaths at a steady rhythm like a drummer's beat, her chest gently rising and falling every few moments.

It wasn't wrong that she felt sleepy. It wasn't wrong that either of them were.

Nothing seemed to reach her ears except for the dimmed out, muted melodies in the background, allowing a sweet dream for once.
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Flower King

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 9:14 pm

It only took a little over an hour for the group to get there, and since it was a week day it wasn't hard for Laine to find a parking spot. It would also make the lines shorter for any of the rides here. Laine pulled into a parking space kind of close to the entrance. After shutting off the car, he turned to wake the two in the back, which is how he finally notice the position they were in. The older boy tapped Vince on the shoulder, then pointed at the two in the back basically telling him to look.

Vincent was confused for a moment as to why Laine tapped him on the shoulder but as soon as Laine pointed at something with a smile on his face, the pyromancer had too look. And when he did he couldn't help but smile as well, but his smile held some evil intentions. Quietly he pulled out his phone, and snapped a picture of the two sleeping beauties, before speaking up. "Hey guys wake up. We're here." He said to them. The two up front erasing any smile they held on their face.

Magic, with his sensitive hearing, heard Vince's voice loud and clear even though it was in normal speaking range. He opened his eyes slightly, making a small noise before saying, "Huh?.. We're here already?" Not really paying attention to Lamia who was laying on his shoulder a little bit. He had a sleepy tone to his voice, and his hair was a little messy but that was normal. He had his eyes open enough to see Laine nod his head. "Kay... Give me a second..." He said in a lazy tone.
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Queen of Lolis

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 9:43 pm

For the fact that she didn't sleep often - let alone have anything bad happen within her own dark state of mind -, Lamia was a heavy sleeper.

The car pulling to a stop at any red light wouldn't wake her up. When they halted at a parking spot, the sudden movement wouldn't phase her. As Magic stirred beside her, that wouldn't cause her to snap out of her trance. In fact, since the boy had moved just a bit caused her head to dislodge from its place, slipping down his arm and plopping straight onto his lap. She didn't seem to be waking up, save for bringing her hands closer to her chest. A few words passed through her lips, but they were incoherent mumbles that couldn't be deciphered to proper sentences. Her body was completely limp, breathing steadily and regularly with soft, gentle intakes of air.

It had been so long that she had gotten any decent rest. Even if it were for an hour or so, she would be plagued with nightmares and snap awake minutes later. But now? Her mind was blanked from the pull of exhaustion, drifting her into a deeper slumber as it kept going. There was a peaceful dark silence as fatigue held her down. She wouldn't deny that she felt comfortable, warm, and light at the moment.
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Flower King

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 9:25 am

A blush spread across Magic's face as Lamia fell into his lap. Luckily the other two boys didn't notice and was currently getting stuff out of the trunk of the care, like towels and other things like that. Magic looked at Lamia for a moment, debating on how he should wake the girl up. She seemed to be sleeping rather well, and he didn't really want to wake her up, but they couldn't leave her in the car. He placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly. "Lamia wake up." He said to her in hopes of waking her up.
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Queen of Lolis

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 9:48 am

At first, she didn't seem to show any signs of waking up. But her eyes fluttered open, and she blinked a few times, trying to comprehend where she exactly was. Too blurry... was her initial thought, and Lamia didn't try to move from her position for awhile. That was, when she turned her head upward and locked with Magic's eyes. Her face immediately came red as she sat up, edging away from him, "A-ah, I-I'm s-s-so... uhm... s-sorry...! Was that seriously the best she could come up with right now? "I-I didn't m-m-mean to... uhm... s-sorry..." Lamia ended awkwardly, her voice trailing off.

Without another word, she got out of the car to go help Vince and Laine, trying to pretend that never happened. Stupidstupidstupidstupid... Why would she let that happen? What if he heard the clock? Goddammit. Her head was throbbing and she couldn't think properly.
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Flower King

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 10:13 am

As soon as she apologized a frown appeared on his face. He wished that she didn't do that. She didn't really have any control of herself while she was sleeping. He was just about to open his mouth and say it was fine, but the winter girl was already getting out of the car. Mason let out a sigh, ran his fingers through his hair. The boy opened the door, and got out, stretching a bit before going to help the others.

The line wasn't to long to get inside. Magic paid for Lamia, and Vince while Laine payed for himself. The group of four walked inside the gate, and passed a couple people along the way to an area with with chairs for them to set there stuff down at. Well the towels anyway. Once they reached a spot with a few chair available next to each other they place down their towels. As soon as they set their stuff down Vincent took off his shirt, and told them he was going to go try the wave rider, which was basically like a surfing thing.

Laine stuck around a little longer than Vince did, he told the two left that he was going to try some of the slides, something about a steep drop slide or something? When Laine took off his shirt he had a well tone chest, and upper body. It also revealed a some more tattoos. He had the flame on on his right fore arm. On the upper left arm a dragon curled around his upper arm, and the head appeared on his shoulder. Soon after he disappeared.

Which left Magic and Lamia alone. Mason didn't really feel like doing any of the slides or exciting rides at the moment. "How about we start with the lazy river?" He asked the winter girl. He just wanted to relax at the moment, and it would probably be a good place to start with Lamia around. He probably wouldn't end up doing much the whole time. He felt really lazy at the moment.
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Queen of Lolis

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 11:36 am

The entire trek from the parking lot to the water park, Lamia stayed quiet.

To say she wasn't still embarrassed and anxious from before would be a lie. Worst off, there were so many people and from the moment they reached the entrance, a suspicious feeling crawled up her spine like a spider reaching its legs up to climb its thread. Someone's gaze was boring into the back of her head, and she couldn't help but feel like someone was watching her. Was she being paranoid? Probably. Yeah... she wasn't interesting in any possible way. But she couldn't shake off that feeling, the chill that stretched up to her neck. And she didn't tell anyone as they paid for admission.

Lamia wound up not giving any attention to the cashier, which only resulted in Magic paying for her instead. Why was she being so jittery? Nobody else seemed to be paying attention to her. Once Laine and Vincent left, she felt more vulnerable. Exposed. Her shoulders hunched together and her arms hugged her chest as she bit her lip. Now she had to deal with finding a way to not show that stupid time clock.

Maybe she was just tired still. That would be the only thing she could figure out. It definitely wasn't weird that she felt like someone was following them after waking up... Totally normal. For a few moments, Lamia didn't realize that Magic had spoke up, and looking up, her head cocked to the side a bit in confusion. "E-eh...?"

And then she figured out what he said. Nodding ambivalently, Lamia turned her head away to hide her awkward embarrassment with a smile. "I-I-I d-don't m-m-mind. Wh-whatever works..."
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Flower King

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The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 12:01 pm

That worked as an answer.. well he guessed anyway.. There was no way he was taking off his shirt like the other two though. He wasn't that confident. "Well then lets go. It's not too far away." He said to the girl. He did apply a little bit of sunscreen while waiting on the girl slightly.
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Queen of Lolis

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PostSubject: Re: The Last Day [CLOSED]   The Last Day [CLOSED] - Page 4 EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 1:48 pm

This entire situation was just a montage of emotions, scientifically unable to be explained. She was trying to use some sort of logic, anything of any sorts, to reassure herself that they definitely weren't being watched or stalked by anyone. Lamia wanted to call it simply her imagination, that she was just being stupidly oversuspicious and that nobody was creeping behind them. It wasn't working. Casting a glance over her shoulder, she could almost sense that someone had turned away, removing their locked gaze from the back of he head. Shifting uncomfortably, she took the sunscreen from Magic, trying to keep her mind off the whole thing. Too paranoid... It was probably some girl who was checking out the taller boy in the end. That was all there was to it. At least, that was what Lamia hoped.

Once she had finished applying the cream over, she nervously zipped up the small jacket, doing her best to to try and conceal as much of her upper torso as possible. Too short. If anything, it was more like a very casual vest. Lamia glanced up, only to see that Magic had been standing there, waiting on her as she wound up taking too much time - half because she constantly kept looking back and half because she couldn't focus. Playing with her hands, her eyes immediately dropped back to the ground, and she mumbled, "S-s-sorry for m-making y-you w-w-wait for m-me..." And soon after they started walking, she could still feel that someone was searching their backside for something. What were these people so curious about?

The fact that an average girl like you is seen with him.

. . .

Lamia had nothing to respond to that. She was more glad that they finally made it to the stony shores of the river, people floating on the surface as they drifted away. There was a group of girls giggling and laughing as one boy approached them, his friends cheering him on as he tried to speak to one of them; a mother and child shared an inner tube together, the husband close behind, watching over them protectively. It was such a peaceful sight, the world painted with all the colors out there just right here. For awhile, she couldn't help but smile, but that almost immediately faded when she could feel that same blanket cover her, suspicious washing itself onto her. Forcing herself to keep a happy look, her foot slowly reached out towards the water, disturbing the crystal-clear surface as it rippled with small circles overlapping one another.

And she finally stepped inside, cautiously taking steps down the stairs until the water was almost up to her chest. "A-a-are you... uhm... u-using the fl-floats?"
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